Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Driving Turtles

Copied from
Okay, I just watched this video on sleep deprivation. A subject that I had already learned about in high school. I had never seen that video before, it was sort of interesting. I'm one of those people who used to run on 5 hours of sleep and I mean from like the 6th grade up until 12th grade. I did pretty well for certainly did not affect me in school. Now, it's different. I can't function on 5 hours of disorder doesn't allow me to. I make sure to get enough hours of sleep so that lack of sleep doesn't mess with my head. I especially could not drive sleepy..I would probably veer off the road. A scary thought, but true. The video is very true though, I have experienced it for myself. I can actually feel myself slow down though, my comprehension and common sense go out the window. Unlike the test subjects who had apparently no clue of their impairment. From personal experience I learned that moderation. Too much and too little of something isn't good for you. We are very complicated animals.

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